*Learn the Truth *Live the Truth *Love the Truth
Sunday Service
*MVC has a family praise time at the beginning of service. Footings Nursery and Foundations class are then dismissed after announcements.
Footings Nursery: Ages 0-2
Foundations Sunday School: Ages 3-6
Framework: Ages 7-11 attend the service and then gather together in the back classroom afterward for ten minutes to share and expound on the praise and preached Word. We have seen much maturity come forth in this class by having these young ones in the service, experiencing the Holy Spirit and hearing the preached Word.
*Ages 12+ in church service
Katie Cote: Overseer

Hi there! Welcome to Truth Be Known (TBK) Children’s Ministries here at Merrimack Valley Church! For over a decade I have had the privilege of teaching the Word of God to children in the Merrimack Valley region, bringing biblical truth to young hearts and watching the Lord work in their lives. During this time I have also witnessed firsthand that world views and subjective beliefs are often being taught as truth, resulting in much unrest and chaos in schools, towns, homes, and in these young hearts.
TBK exists for the purpose of bringing sound biblical truth and understanding to children, for the purpose of building a solid foundation of faith in Jesus Christ. My aim is to bring God’s Word to children, so that they would learn from a young age who God is and what faith truly looks like in a life; that His love, holiness, and truth would become theirs leading to a life of rest and peace in Jesus Christ.
From Footings Nursery, Foundations and Framework classes, children at Merrimack Valley Church are learning the faith found in Scripture, and what it means to be people of God; what it means to be a fully devoted follower of Jesus Christ, and how to go and tell of the goodness of Jesus Christ.
I invite you to come and bring your children to see what the Lord is doing here at MVC.
Katie Cote