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purpose and vision

"Because There's More To Life!"


The Great Commandment and the Great Commission requires a Great Commitment. Every believer's response should be "Yes, LORD!"  This is the proper response to the command to:


     Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength

     Love One Another as Christ Jesus taught and demonstrated

     Go into all the world and make disciples

     Baptize them into the Name of the Father, Son, and of the Holy Spirit

     Teach them to observe all that Christ commanded.


Therefore, the purpose and mission of Merrimack Valley Church is to reach out and lead the people of the Merrimack Valley into discovering and developing their life as fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.


Like Christ, MVC will meet people where they are, to bring them where they need to be!  


If you are interested in knowing more, come to the Sunday Morning Service at 10AM or write to MVC using the Contact Page.


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