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Below you will find the services and ministries that are available at Merrimack Valley Church.
Should you plan to attend, there will be a warm welcome; please introduce yourself. Blessings
Sunday Morning Service


Sunday Morning Services start at 10AM and usually ends around 11:30AM depending on the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Here you will find the MVC Family of believers begin with an introductory word from the pastor, followed by praising the Name of the Lord, opening hearts to His love, grace, and goodness. Then MVC will transition to the preached word of God.



Monday Night Prayer


Weekly prayer meetings are held on Monday Night at 7PM and usually end around 8:30PM. The prayer meetings are for those who are associated with MVC. This is a time to seek God and to call on Him, to cast our cares unto the Lord while He places His desires in our hearts. This is a time of testimony as victories are gained.


Wednesday Night Service


Wednesday Night Service starts at 6:30 and usually ends around 8PM. These services are also for those who are associated with MVC. We are presently studying the Book of Acts  in a separate Men's and Women's class.


This is a very encouraging study for those who want to know about the Holy Spirit working in and through the lives of the early Church.


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